I like to keep busy so I always have a project or two in the works. Moreover, manifesting ideas in my head as physical products is a source of unending joy for me.
Fashion Recommendation AI Chat Assistant
Gen AI, LangChain, Google Cloud, Node.js
An AI chat assistant powered e-commerce shop.
Flutter, Node.js, Socket.IO, SQLite
A full-stack mobile & web hybrid time tracking application.
CHIP8 Emulator
C++, SDL2, Make
A cross-platform emulator for the mid-1970s CHIP8 system written from scratch in C++.
Fractal Trees
JavaScript using p5js
A simple website for generating beautiful minimalist fractal trees.
A* & Convex Hull Visualisation
Visual implementations of A* path finding and Graham's convex hull algorithms.
Savefile Backup
A little script I wrote, way back in high school, to backup my game save files after accidently losing 3 hours of playtime.