
Hi! I'm Sahej Singh.

Web Developer

Mobile Developer

Generative AI Developer


I had my first experience with programming at 15 years old when a senior in high school lent me his computer science book. I fondly remember reading about the binary number system that evening, something which I had thought was extremely complex, and being blown away by the simplicity and beauty of it all. That was the moment I decided I wanted a career in software.

Through rest of high school I learnt basics of programming in C++, Python, and Java. In University, I dipped my toes into modern mobile app development and started experimenting with Flutter. That helped me win a hackathon in my first year itself. Later, me and my friends got into competitive programming. We used to participate in coding contests, but it was too inconvenient finding one we liked by manually combing through available contests on so many different websites.

Then it occurred to me: I could write an app for that! This was how Snow, a coding contests reminders app, came into being. Me and my friends have been happily using the app since, and I update it every now and then. To my surprise other people like it too, and now it has over a 100 downloads on GitHub.

Last year I ventured into web development by learning React, and for more than six months I have been working on an internal project for my University using it. As a part of that I am developing a jobs portal for the University. Professionally working with experienced professors and developers on this project, has raised my standards of what is expected of a software application.

Now, I am seeking a full-time role where I can use my skills to help a company thrive and achieve their goals.


View all my projects or check one out from the highlights below.

Fashion Recommendation AI Chat Assistant screenshot

Fashion Recommendation AI Chat Assistant

Gen AI, LangChain, Google Cloud, Node.js

An AI chat assistant powered e-commerce shop.

Juno screenshot


Flutter, Node.js, Socket.IO, SQLite

A full-stack mobile & web hybrid time tracking application.

Snow screenshot


Mobile App, Flutter

A coding contests reminders app.